Non-globular proteins in the era of Machine Learning

COST Action CA21160


ML4NGP-REFRACT Training School on Computational Tools to Study Non-Globular Proteins

February 13-16, 2024

Carmona, Spain

Central square in Seville, Spain
Carmona, a historic town north-east of Seville, Spain
Sede Olavide at Pablo de Olavide University in Carmona


The COST Action ML4NGP is pleased to announce the 2nd Training School on Computational Tools to Study Non-Globular Proteins. The event is co-organized with the H2020-MSCA-RISE project REFRACT (GA 823886) and will take place at Sede Olavide, in Carmona (Spain) from 13 to 16 February, 2024.

The primary objective of this training school is to offer participants a comprehensive insight into recent advancements in computational resources, along with hands-on training for the study of non-globular proteins, focusing on aspects such as tandem repeat proteins, intrinsically disordered proteins, aggregation and low complexity regions.

The scientific program encompasses both lectures during the morning and practical sessions in the afternoon. Additionally, a social event and dinner will provide networking opportunities and a chance for participants to connect informally.


Exclusive for working group members of the COST Action CA21160. Participants will be selected by the organizing committee in order to guarantee gender balance, early career researchers (PhD students and Junior postdocs), and geographic distribution. The Training School is limited to 25 participants. 

This Training school is intended for those who are interested in learning different computational advances to study non-globular proteins. Participants must be able to navigate online biological resources but are not expected to have computational or programming skills. Prior knowledge and basic training in Biochemistry, Biology, Bioengineering or related sciences are recommended.

Confirmed trainers

  • Damien Devos, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), Spain
  • Antonina Andreeva, EMBL-European Bioinformatics Institute, UK
  • Luis Sánchez-Pulido, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), Spain
  • Zsuzsanna Dosztányi, Eötvös Loránd University – ELTE, Hungary
  • Nicolas Palopoli, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Argentina
  • Andrey Kajava, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), France
  • Miguel Andrade, Johannes Gutenberg University, Germany
  • Salvador Ventura, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain
  • Carlos Pintado Grima, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain
  • Vasilis Promponas, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
  • Alexander Monzon, University of Padova, Italy
  • Silvio Tosatto, University of Padova, Italy

preliminary PROGRAM

Venue: Sede Olavide en Carmona, C/ Ramón y Cajal, 15. Carmona

February 13, 2024

9:00 – 9:30

Registration & Welcome desk

9:30 – 10:30

Lecture 1 | Overview of the BISMM Suite of Bioinformatics Programs: Why They Were Developed and How They Operate

Andrey Kajava

10:30 – 11:00

Coffee break

11:00 – 12:00

Lecture 2 | Understanding the evolution of protein repeats in post-AlphaFold era 

Antonina Andreeva

12:00 – 14:00

Lunch Break

14:00 – 15:30

Practical session 1

Antonina Andreeva

15:30 – 16:00

Coffee break

16:00 – 17:30

Lecture 3 | Protein sequence conservation and remote homology in Intrinsically Disordered Proteins

Luis Sanchez Pulido

February, 14

9:30 – 10:30

Lecture 4 | Short tandem repeats in protein sequences

Miguel Andrade 

10:30 – 11:00

Coffee break

11:00 – 12:00

Lecture 5 | Low-complexity and Compositional Bias in Protein Sequences: the tools of the trade

Vasilis Promponas

12:00 – 14:00

Lunch Break

14:00 – 15:30

Practical session 3 | Low complexity regions

Vasilis Promponas

15:30 – 16:00

Coffee break

16:00 – 17:30

Practical session 4 | Short Tandem Repeats

Miguel Andrade 


9:30 – 10:30

Lecture 6 | Introduction to protein intrinsic disorder

Zsuzsanna Dosztányi

10:30 – 11:00

Coffee break

11:00 – 12:00

Lecture 7 | Short linear motifs mediating protein-protein interactions

Nicolas Palopoli

12:00 – 14:00

Lunch Break

14:00 – 15:30

Practical session 5 |  Protein disorder prediction and databases

Alexander Monzon

15:30 – 16:00

Coffee break

16:00 – 17:30

Practical session 6 | Short linear motifs (SLiM)

Nicolas Palopoli


9:30 – 10:30

Lecture 8 | Computational tools to predict protein aggregation and phase separation

Salvador Ventura

10:30 – 11:00

Coffee break

11:00 – 12:00

Lecture 9 | Repeats, membranes, microPlatypus and the Tree of Life

Damien Devos

12:00 – 14:00

Lunch Break

14:00 – 15:30

Practical session 7 | Predictors and databases of protein aggregation

Carlos Pintado Grima

15:30 – 16:00

Coffee break

16:00 – 17:30

Practical session 8

Luis Sanchez-Pulido



Damien Devos (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Spain)

Core Group ML4NGP

Alexander Monzon (Action Chair), Zuzana Bednarikova (Action Vice-Chair), Silvio Tosatto (Grant Holder Scientific Representative), Rita Vilaça (Science Communication Coordinator, WG5 Leader),  Pavel Kadeřávek (WG1 leader), Dana Reichmann (WG1 co-leader), Zsuzsanna Dostányi (WG2 leader), Javier Garcia-Pardo (WG2 co-leader), Jovana Kovačević (WG3 leader), Milana Grbic (WG3 co-leader), R. Gonzalo Parra (WG4 leader), Ana Melo (WG4 co-leader), Darius Šulskis (Grant Awarding Coordinator). 


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 823886.

This event is part of the activities of the COST Action ML4NGP, CA21160, which is supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology). It is also co-organized with the REFRACT consortium, which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 823886.