2nd ML4NGP Training School Achieves Another Remarkable Success

From February 13th to 16th, 2024, we hosted another successful edition of the ML4NGP Training School on Computational Tools to study Non-globular proteins in Carmona, Spain. This was another event co-organized with MSCA-RISE REFRACT project (GA 823886).

The event was attended by 42 participants from 21 countries, demonstrating a general interest in the NGP field among those eager to explore protein research through novel computational methods . This underscores the importance of such specialized training in nurturing future researchers in this field.

Photos from speakers and participants at the 2nd ML4NGP Training School at Sede Olavide, in Carmona – Spain.  

With a primary focus on non-globular proteins, the Training School explored the intricate world of tandem repeat proteins, intrinsically disordered proteins, low complexity regions and protein aggregation, among other topics. The organizers provided a dynamic and immersive learning experience with theoretical lessons in the morning followed by hands-on practical sessions in the afternoon.  This unique approach supported a holistic understanding of the different topics underlying the world of non-globular proteins. 

The success of the Training School can also be attributed to an outstanding lineup of trainers. They covered the various aspects of NGPs, offering firsthand insights into the main tools in this field, many of which were developed by them. This was a great opportunity for trainees to learn from the very best in the field.

Photos from speakers and trainers at the 2nd ML4NGP Training School at Sede Olavide, in Carmona – Spain.  

Participants, primarily PhD students and a few master’s students, found themselves on a knowledge journey, encountering topics they were not familiar with, resulting in a profound learning curve. In fact, 70% of participants reported to already use the tools presented in the practical sessions, and 85% revealed that they will use the tools learnt in the future, demonstrating a growing interest in the knowledge acquired in this training school.

Testimonial #1

Great lectures with specific cases/experiments showcased and explained.

Testimonial #2

I really enjoyed the seminars with experts on different topics and their advices.

Testimonial #3

Lectures and Practical sessions were of high quality. Many opportunities for discussion and networking during coffee breaks, lunch, dinner.

The 2nd ML4NGP Training School marks a pivotal moment towards advancing computational resources to unravel the complexities of non-globular proteins.

As attendees depart with newfound knowledge and skills, the ripple effect of this event is poised to shape the landscape of protein research for years to come, with a new generation of young researchers equipped with fresh insights and technologies. Additionally, the networking opportunities in the charming city of Carmona have fostered connections that will undoubtedly enhance collaboration and innovation in the field.

Thank you all and see you in our future events!